Thursday, November 12, 2009

Ulama diseru beri penjelasan

Sumber: Utusan Malaysia

KUALA LUMPUR 12 Nov. - Golongan ulama diseru memberikan penjelasan kepada masyarakat tentang sesuatu fatwa, pandangan, hukuman atau kedudukan yang dikeluarkan oleh mereka bagi mengelak kekeliruan di kalangan umat Islam.

Pengerusi Institut Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (IKIM), Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi berkata, fenomena itu dapat dilihat semasa pewartaan atau penerbitan fatwa-fatwa yang selalunya tiada penerangan dan keputusan mahkamah syariah yang seringkali tidak disusuli dengan alasan penghakiman secara terperinci.

Memburukkan lagi keadaan katanya, orang awam ditakutkan dengan bahaya salah faham sekiranya hal-hal agama cuba diselami dengan lebih mendalam.

''Ini tidak membantu masyarakat memahami, menghargai dan menghayati agama secara lebih mendalam.

''Ulama perlu membuat penerangan apakah jenis dalil, sandaran atau kaedah yang digunakan pada setiap kali isu agama diperjelaskan kepada masyarakat,'' katanya semasa berucap merasmikan Seminar Taqlid, Ijtihad dan Talfiq; Skop, Amalan dan Batasan di Dewan Besar IKIM di sini hari ini.

Turut hadir ialah Pengerusi IKIM, Datuk Nik Mustapha Nik Hassan dan Timbalannya, Profesor Datuk Dr. Zaleha Kamaruddin.

Abdullah berkata, banyak isu dalam masyarakat hari ini menagih penjelasan daripada golongan bijak pandai agama.

''Isu-isu seperti kalimah Allah, yoga, ajaran sesat, fahaman syiah, antimazhab atau anti ahli sunnah wal jamaah adalah perkara yang memerlukan penjelasan kemas dan tegas daripada pihak berkuasa,'' jelasnya.

Tambahnya, kebanyakan rakyat hari ini yang berpendidikan dan berpelajaran tinggi sukar menerima pandangan bersifat dogmatik tanpa penjelasan yang boleh diterima akal.

''Cabaran utama selalunya datang daripada kumpulan ini yang menagih penerangan rasional kepada hampir semua perkara.

''Keadaan ini menjadi cabaran paling hebat bagi golongan ulama jika fatwa mereka tidak meyakinkan, boleh berlaku perbalahan dan perpecahan dalam masyarakat,'' katanya.

Seminar yang disertai kira-kira 300 peserta bertujuan memberi kefahaman mengenai konsep taqlid, ijtihad dan talfiq serta istilah lain berkaitan di samping meningkatkan kefahaman mengenai objektif undang-undang Islam.

Seramai 11 pembentang kertas kerja termasuk dari Indonesia dan Brunei telah diundang pada seminar yang berlangsung selama dua hari itu.

Syariah bukan perundangan jumud

UCAPAN sulung Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi sebagai Pengerusi Institut Kefahaman Islam Malaysia (IKIM) sewaktu merasmikan seminar “Taklid, ijtihad dan talfiq: Skop, amalan dan batasan” di Dewan Besar IKIM, Kuala Lumpur pada 12 November.

Source: Utusan Malaysia

Segala puji milik Allah, selawat dan salam atas junjungan agung Nabi Muhammad SAW, para sahabat, para tabi’un serta pengikut jejak langkah Baginda hinggalah ke hari pembalasan.

Alhamdulillah, dengan izin-Nya saya dapat bersama dalam majlis seperti ini buat julung-julung kalinya sebagai Pengerusi institut ini.

Taklid, ijtihad dan talfiq secara umumnya adalah istilah yang saling berkaitan tentang cara pengamalan syariah dengan mengikut sesuatu mazhab tertentu sama ada secara sebahagian atau keseluruhannya.

Penggunaanya membayangkan tahap keilmuan anggota masyarakat yang berbeza. Taklid lebih merujuk kepada orang awam manakala ijtihad dan talfiq lebih menjurus kepada tanggungjawab ahli-ahli perundangan Islam menggunakan pengetahuan mereka membantu masyarakat mematuhi kehendakkehendak agama.

Permasalahan dalam kalangan masyarakat awam ialah kecenderungan untuk bertaklid secara buta tuli dan tegar. Dari sudut sejarahnya, mazhab Shafie telah bertapak sejak ratusan tahun di Malaysia. Fakta ini telah dizahir dan dimaktubkan dalam hampir semua perlembagaan atau undang-undang tubuh negeri di mana mazhab Shafie ditetapkan sebagai mazhab rasmi pemerintah.

Ini disusuli dengan keutamaan rujukan kepada mazhab ini yang terkandung dalam hampir semua akta atau enakmen undangundang Islam negeri.

Justeru, masyarakat secara umumnya menganggap bahawa mereka mesti mengamalkan mazhab tersebut secara ketat tanpa tolak ansur. Majoriti bukan sahaja ragu-ragu malah takut untuk menyimpang daripada ajaran mazhab berkenaan walaupun ada keperluan munasabah yang membenarkannya.

Namun begitu, dalam beberapa hal tertentu, seperti ibadat haji dan zakat, kelonggaran untuk menerima pandangan mazhab lain memang telah diperakukan dengan alasan-alasan yang cukup praktikal. Apa yang lebih menarik, di Perlis, tertulis dalam Perlembagaan Negeri bahawa ia tidak tertakluk kepada mana-mana mazhab secara khusus.

Jelas terdapat paradoks (pertentangan) dalam pengamalan ajaran Islam di Malaysia. Dari satu aspek, syariah perlu ada keseragaman dan kesatuan. Dari sudut lain, undang-undang Islam haruslah bersifat dinamik, progresif, sedia berubah mengikut suasana dan keadaan selagi mana ia tidak bertentangan dengan prinsip dan matlamat syariah.

Ternyata juga bahawa masyarakat muslim tidak dituntut mengikut ajaran mazhab secara tertutup dan jumud. Tetapi, melihat kepada realiti semasa, orang-orang Islam dinasihatkan – malah diberi amaran – supaya hanya setia bertaklid dengan satu mazhab sahaja. Selain dari kes-kes yang diketahui umum seperti haji dan zakat, orang awam ditegah daripada menukar mazhab mereka. Apabila sesuatu isu timbul, masyarakat tidak sabar lagi menunggu apa fatwa yang akan diberikan.

Suasana yang bercelaru ini harus dirungkai dan dimurnikan agar masyarakat tidak berterusan terumbang-ambing dalam kekeliruan.

Dalam situasi seperti ini, kecenderungan sebahagian ulama pula (seperti fuqaha, mufti dan hakim) ialah untuk memberikan pandangan, fatwa, hukuman atau kedudukan sesuatu perkara tanpa menjelaskan dalil, sandaran atau kaedah bagaimana sesuatu keputusan itu dicapai.

Fenomena ini boleh dilihat contohnya, melalui pewartaan dan penerbitan fatwa-fatwa yang selalunya tanpa penerangan; dan juga keputusan-keputusan Mahkamah Syariah yang seringkali tidak disusuli dengan penghakiman bertulis menjelaskan alasan-alasan atau rasional penghakiman secara terperinci.

Memburukkan keadaan, tahap pemikiran orang awam, sama ada secara langsung atau sebaliknya, direndah-rendahkan secara tidak wajar. Mereka ditakutkan dengan bahaya salah faham sekiranya hal-hal agama cuba diselami dengan lebih mendalam. Justeru, mereka hanya perlu bertaklid, iaitu patuh dan ikut pandangan orang-orang yang diberi kuasa keagamaan baik secara politik mahupun pentadbiran.

Ini tidak membantu masyarakat memahami, menghargai dan menghayati agama.

Sesetengah pimpinan agama menakutkan golongan awam ini bahawa mereka tiada pilihan selain bertaklid; bahawa taklid itu adalah sesuatu yang natural buat mereka; bahawa itulah kedudukan mereka selama-lamanya; bahawa mereka tidak perlu kepada alternatif lain; bahawa mereka tiada peranan untuk terlibat dalam proses ijtihad.

Mentaliti taklid paksaan inilah yang merata dalam pemikiran masyarakat muslim terdahulu dan berterusan ke hari ini. Belenggu mental inilah yang menghentikan amalan ijtihad. Lama-kelamaan kaum muslimin beranggapan bahawa pintu ijtihad telah ditutup. Malah ia seolah-olah menjadi salah satu “Rukun Iman” mereka bahawa kepercayaan ini sebenarnya suatu tuntutan keagamaan.

Penerimaan meluas mentaliti taklid ini membantutkan kemampuan daya fikir orang-orang Islam dan membataskan kemampuan mereka pula dalam mentadbir urusan keduniaan. Untuk keluar dari jurang ini, umat Islam mesti menguasai ilmu pengetahuan yang luas.

Majoriti anggota masyarakat memang bukan pakar dalam hal-hal syariah dan agama. Mereka boleh dikategorikan kepada dua kumpulan. Kumpulan pertama terdiri daripada mereka yang tidak berpelajaran secara formal. Kumpulan kedua terdiri dari kelompok yang berpendidikan dan berpelajaran tinggi.

Mereka adalah para professional yang memegang posisi penting dalam struktur sosio-budaya masyarakat. Mereka mempunyai suatu tahap pemikiran tertentu yang membolehkan mereka menganalisis, membanding dan menyaring maklumat dalam pembentukan pegangan dan world view mereka.

Dalam kehidupan beragama, cabaran utama datang dari kumpulan kedua ini. Mereka adalah golongan yang menagih penerangan rasional kepada hampir semua perkara. Mereka sukar menerima pandangan yang bersifat indoktrinasi atau dogmatik tanpa penjelasan yang boleh diterima akal.

Dalam mengutarakan persoalan taklid, ijtihad dan talfiq ini, penekanan seminar ini ialah kepada peranan golongan orang awam atau bukan pakar yang dimaksudkan. Mereka mungkin tidak faham malah kelihatan mempersoalkan hal-hal keagamaan, tetapi tidak boleh disisihkan. Mereka adalah anggota masyarakat Islam. Mereka juga mempunyai tugasan dan peranan yang harus dilaksanakan ke arah pemantapan agama secara keseluruhannya.

Keadaan ini yang menjadi cabaran paling hebat bagi golongan ulama. Jika fatwa mereka tidak meyakinkan, perbalahan dan perpecahan dalam masyarakat boleh berlaku. Pendekatan yang perlu diambil ialah menerima ijtihad sebagai kaedah untuk mencari penyelesaian dan keputusan bagi masalah-masalah yang dihadapi oleh masyarakat Islam.

Banyak isu dalam masyarakat yang menagih penjelasan dari golongan bijak pandai agama. Golongan awam dan bukan agama dari kalangan umat Islam pula harus diberi kefahaman, bukan sahaja untuk diri mereka, malah untuk orang-orang lain yang berada di sekeliling mereka, termasuklah orang-orang bukan Islam.

Isu kalimah Allah, yoga, pelbagai aliran ajaran sesat, faham syiah, wahdatul wujud, wahdatul syuhud, antimazhab, anti Ahli Sunah Wal Jamaah, adalah sekadar beberapa perkara yang memerlukan penjelasan kemas dan tegas dari pihak penguasa.

Soal tidak semua anggota masyarakat akan berusaha mendapatkan penjelasan tidak berbangkit. Apa yang lebih utama ialah penyediaan bahan-bahan rujukan yang memadai dan dapat dirujuk dengan mudah apabila keperluan timbul.

Seminar ini berhasrat memberikan kefahaman tentang senario ini. Ia harus dimulakan dengan menerangkan latar belakang konsep taklid, ijitihad dan talfiq serta lain-lain istilah berkaitan dan kedudukan mereka dalam Islam. Ke arah itu, ia harus menoleh ke belakang melihat sejarah undang-undang Islam bagaimana idea ini berkembang dalam pengalaman masyarakat Islam terdahulu dan tindakan ulama menanganinya.

Seminar ini akan melihat ruang lingkup talfiq dan faktor-faktor yang mendorong kemunculan dan penggunaannya. Ia akan menganalisis pandangan ulama tentang keadaan-keadaan yang menolak dan mengharuskan pengamalan talfiq. Ia juga akan meningkatkan kefahaman tentang objektif undang-undang Islam dan menegaskan bahawa syariah sesuai untuk semua keadaan, tempat dan zaman.

Kita perlu mengakui bahawa syariah bukan suatu perundangan Islam yang jumud. Syariah mesti terus berkembang dan berkemampuan untuk menentukan hukum-hukum yang berkaitan dengan kehidupan ummah dalam semua bidang.

Kewibawaan undang-undang syariah akan bergantung kepada integriti dan kemampuan ijtihad. Masyarakat Islam sekarang perlu memberi iktiraf kepada ijtihad semasa – ijtihad hadhari yang boleh membawa kemajuan dan perubahan (alislah wal tajdid) kepada umat Islam sekarang dan yang akan datang. Para ulama perlu bersedia menghadapi cabaran baru. Fahaman Islam perlu ditingkat dan diperluaskan dari peringkat sekolah hingga pengajian tinggi. Ia memerlukan perubahan kepada kurikulum pengajian Islam.

IKIM berusaha mendapatkan pembentang-pembentang yang terbaik dari dalam dan luar negara. Bagaimanapun, terdapat beberapa perkara luar jangka di saat-saat akhir menyebabkan beberapa penceramah asal tidak dapat menghadirkan diri. Ini tidaklah menjejaskan objektif seminar kerana saya yakin tokoh-tokoh yang ada bersama kita sepanjang dua hari ini tidak kurang hebat tahap keilmuannya.

Akhirnya, dengan lafaz mulia Bismillahi rahmani rahim, saya dengan ini merasmikan seminar “Taklid, ijtihad dan talfiq: Skop, amalan dan batasan."

Show compassion, says Abdullah

By Karen Arukesamy (The Sun)

PETALING JAYA (Nov 12, 2009): Former prime minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi called on Malaysians today not to fail humanity but live with compassion and love for their fellow human beings.

"All I can ask of you today, my friends, is let us not fail humanity; let us not fail ourselves. Let us live with compassion and love for our fellow human beings. For what is life without compassion? For what is life if you cannot love, forgive and care for your fellow human being?" he said.

Abdullah was speaking at the launch of the Malaysian Charter for Compassion, an idea initiated by eminent British religious scholar Karen Armstrong, who invited people from all over the world to write a Charter for Compassion in November 2008.

The launch of the charter was organised by three citizens groups -- Yayasan Budi Penyayang Malaysia, The Malaysian Interfaith Network, and the International Movement for a Just World (JUST) -- to foster understanding of compassion among people of different faiths.

Stressing the importance of being a compassionate community, Abdullah said that in today’s world, which is wracked by violence, greed and selfishness, compassion is "severely lacking".

"We seem to lack the ability to see through the eyes of the poor, hungry, oppressed, discriminated and those of whom life has not given a break," he said.

"And in being unable to see through the eyes of the less fortunate, we are unable to empathise, thus, further propelling the world into a deeper abyss of suffering and gloom."

Abdullah also pointed out that another component of compassion people tend to overlook is the ability to forgive.

Quoting the various religions on compassion, he said: "There should be no doubt that peace, mercy and compassion are the core of all religions."

"We must then ask ourselves why mercy, compassion, steadfastness, justice and benevolence, which are so central to all religions, have all but lost their importance," he said.

He said the value of compassion is ingrained in the heart of every human being but it is within them as to whether they want to practise it or not.

"Too often, we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn the world around," he said.

"If we are sincere, we can make the world a better place."

Apart from the official launch, a panel discussions led by religious leaders and youths, a photo exhibition, and a Wall of Compassion to enable the general public to affix their signatures, were held.

Malaysia Charter for Compassion chairman Dr Chandra Muzaffar said: "In a multi-religious society like ours, it is crucial that we dedicate ourselves to the principle and practice of compassion. It is a principle that lies at the heart of all religious, ethical and spiritual traditions."

Emphasising the importance of "treating others as we wish to be treated ourselves", he said it is a challenge to demonstrate empathy with the suffering of all human beings.

Abdullah Launches Malaysian Chapter Of Global Compassion Charter

November 12, 2009 17:07 PM

PETALING JAYA, Nov 12 (Bernama) -- Former prime minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi on Thursday launched the Malaysian chapter of the worldwide 'Charter For Compassion'.

Describing the charter as a cooperative effort to restore compassionate thinking and action, he said its global launch was a noble initiative to understanding compassion among people of different faiths and providing help to the needy.

Chairman of Charter For Compassion in Malaysia Dr Chandra Muzaffar said the project was one of the most urgent tasks to build a global community where men and women of all races, nations and ideologies could live in peace.

The charter was mooted in February last year by Karen Armstrong, a former Roman Catholic nun who authored more than 20 books on common ideas in Islam, Judaism and Christianity.


Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Idea baik tapi tidak mudah dilaksanakan

ARKIB  Utusan Malaysia : 02/11/2009

KUALA LUMPUR 1 Nov. - Bekas Perdana Menteri, Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi berkata, cadangan mewujudkan sekolah satu aliran merupakan idea yang baik tetapi tidak mudah untuk dilaksanakan.

Menurut beliau, rakyat seharusnya memikirkan dengan sebaik-baiknya kerana bukan mudah untuk melakukan perubahan tanpa adanya sokongan dan kesediaan untuk menerima.

"Saya dulu pun semasa menjadi Menteri Pelajaran, pernah berfikir mengenai hal ini juga.

"Tetapi perkara ini tidak mudah, kalau kita buat juga, lepas itu orang tolak, ini akan jadi kelam-kabut," katanya.

Beliau bercakap kepada pemberita selepas menghadiri majlis 'Jom Pi Raya' anjuran Persatuan Kebajikan Anak Melayu Pulau Pinang di Wilayah Persekutuan dan Selangor di sini hari ini.

Hadir sama isterinya, Tun Jeanne Abdullah; Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yakcop dan Presiden Persatuan Kebajikan Anak Melayu Pulau Pinang di Wilayah Persekutuan dan Selangor, Datuk Zainul Azman Zainul Aziz.

Semalam, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak berkata, kerajaan sedia melaksanakan dasar sekolah satu aliran sekiranya itu kehendak rakyat negara ini.

Tegas Perdana Menteri, dalam melaksanakan dasar itu, kehendak rakyat perlu diambil kira kerana kerajaan tidak mahu ia menyebabkan perbalahan dan kesan buruk kepada masyarakat.

Najib berkata, tiada gunanya dasar sekolah satu aliran diperkenalkan jika akhirnya ia boleh mencetuskan ketegangan dalam hubungan antara kaum.

Sementara itu, Zainul Azman berkata, majlis yang dianjurkan pada setiap tahun itu adalah untuk mengeratkan silaturrahim antara anak-anak kelahiran Pulau Pinang yang kini berhijrah di Lembah Klang.

"Kita mempunyai keahlian sebanyak 500 orang dan bergiat aktif dalam memberikan kebajikan dan biasiswa kepada golongan yang memerlukan," katanya.

Majlis turut diserikan dengan persembahan artis tanah air termasuklah Jamal Abdillah, Imuda dan Shereen.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Video Link: Pak Lah on Role of Islam in Southeast Asia

NEW YORK, October 19, 2009 - Former Prime Minister of Malaysia the Honorable Tun Abdullah Badawi and Asia Society President Vishakha Desai discuss the role of Islam in Southeast Asia and how the economies of the ASEAN region are coping with the world financial crisis. (1 hr., 26 min.)

Please go to this website to watch it.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Najib Succeeded In Inspiring Delegates: Abdullah

October 16, 2009 21:17 PM

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 16 (Bernama) -- Former Umno president Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi on Friday said the party president Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak's winding-up speech on the last day of the 2009 Umno General Assembly here was very inspiring and lifted the spirits of the delegates.

He said Najib had inspired them, including party division chiefs, supreme council members, Wanita Umno, Umno Youth and Puteri Umno, to together realise the steps needed to change the party, especially those related to party constitution changes.

"What is important is that the delegates here must pass the message to all who are in their respective areas and divisions.

"If it is only they who agree and do not carry the message back to their divisions there will no change at the lower level," Abdullah told reporters after the winding-up debate on the presidential policy speech at the end of the assembly at the Putra World Trade Centre here.

He had attended the assembly today as head of the Kepala Batas Umno division and sat with the delegates.

His presence caught the attention of the apex leadership and the delegates and he was honoured by thunderous applause by those in the hall.

Abdullah said today Najib had further strengthened his policy speech delivered yesterday and urged delegates to have a change of mindset and attitude as well as implement promises made to the party's president.

"If they truly implement what had been promised to the president, God willing, there will be success," he said.

He said the passing of the amendments to the party' constitution, done unanimously yesterday, proved that Umno members were ready to accept the change called for and had one purpose.

Abdullah also said Najib, as president, had done a good job in the running of the assembly.


Abdullah Conferred Honorary Degree By Soka University

September 30, 2009 22:41 PM

KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 30 (Bernama) -- Former prime minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi was conferred the Honorary Degree of Doctor of Honoris Causa from Soka University in Tokyo, Wednesday.

In his acceptance speech, the text of which was made available to Bernama, Abdullah expressed his gratitude to the President of Soka Gakai International Dr Daisaku Ikeda for the honour.

"It was my cherished ambition as a student in school as well as a student in university that I serve my country. When I graduated I had no hesitation in enrolling in the government's administrative and diplomatic service.

"When I matured as a civil servant as well as later when I embarked upon my political career, I was determined to contribute, in whatever modest way I could, to the betterment of not only the people of my country, but also to humanity at large," he said.

He said in his various capacities as minister and also prime minister, he was able to help enrich and develop young minds, strengthen Malaysia's capacity to defend itself and play a role in forging peace and stability in the region and around the world.

"If there is anything I am most grateful for, it is that I was able to further widen the democratic space in my country, improve its system of governance and delivery, and spark the modernisation and development of the rural economy through the development corridors that I introduced," he added.

Besides his blood ties with people from Japan, he said Malaysian people always admired the achievements of the Japanese particularly on how they managed to transform their country from the ashes of war to become the second largest economy of the world in a relatively short period of time.

"To emulate Japan, the Look East Policy was introduced. Our bilateral relations has expanded and deepened. Japan became Malaysia's top trading partner after neighbour Singapore. Japan was also among the top five investors in Malaysia in the last decade," he said.

Abdullah also mentioned that the Malaysian government had given a lot of emphasis on developing and distinguishing itself through its well-defined and advanced human capital development infrastructure.

"History has clearly shown that countries which invest heavily in education have progressed well ahead of those that do not," he added.

He noted that during his administration, he also introduced Islam Hadhari or civilsational Islam which he hoped would provide a blueprint and establish a balance in the pursuit of progress and enlightment.


Former PM Pak Lah applauds Najib's message

The Star - Published: Friday October 16, 2009 MYT 8:51:00 PM

KUALA LUMPUR: Former Umno president Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi applauded his successor Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak in delivering his message of change in the Umno general assembly this time around.

“Najib has successfully convinced the delegates to be together with him in the amendments that were made in the party’s constitution,” he said.

Speaking to reporters after the closing of the general assembly, Abdullah said the winding up speech had further strengthened the message that the party president had first put forward at the opening of the assembly.

Earlier, Najib said Abdullah had kept two promises he made before stepping down as Prime Minister.

“Firstly, he (Abdullah) said he would not criticise what I do and give me full support. Secondly, he asked me to do my level best, even better than him,” said Najib.

“The important thing is for change to happen in the mindset and attitude within Umno,” he added.

However, Abdullah added that the delegates must also spread Najib’s message when they go back to their respective divisions to push for change within the party grassroots.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Najib thanks Pak Lah for not meddling

Malaysian Insider - By Adib Zalkapli

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 16 – Datuk Seri Najib Razak today thanked his predecessor Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi for not interfering in his administration.

In his winding up speech on the last day of the Umno general assembly, the Prime Minister praised Abdullah for standing by him in all the decisions he had made.

“He had promised me two things, firstly he said he would not criticise me, but I want to make it clear today. Not only has Pak Lah not been criticising me, he has also shown his support for my decisions,” said Najib, who took over the government from Abdullah in April.

During his premiership from 2004 till last April, Abdullah had to endure constant criticism from his predecessor, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

The campaign against Abdullah's administration from within the party had partly contributed to the Barisan Nasional's (BN) decline in Election 2008.

“Pak Lah even said that if I can do better than him, his support will continue,” Najib told his party faithful today.

Abdullah, who was absent during the opening of the assembly yesterday, was in the audience today.

He joined the delegates as the Kepala Batas Umno division chief and did not take the VIP seat reserved for him.

As a division chief, Abdullah is automatically a general assembly delegate but he was also invited to attend as a guest of honour by virtue of being former party president.

“We are very lucky because at the opening of the assembly a former president was present, and today another former president is with us to witness the closing of our assembly,” said Najib, referring to Dr Mahathir's attendance during the opening of the assembly.

Abdullah’s presence was highly anticipated yesterday as it would have been a rare joint public appearance with Dr Mahathir.

He was absent yesterday because he was unwell, said an aide.

Former PM Pak Lah applauds Najib's message

The Star - Friday October 16, 2009 MYT 8:51:00 PM

KUALA LUMPUR: Former Umno president Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi applauded his successor Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak in delivering his message of change in the Umno general assembly this time around.

“Najib has successfully convinced the delegates to be together with him in the amendments that were made in the party’s constitution,” he said.

Speaking to reporters after the closing of the general assembly, Abdullah said the winding up speech had further strengthened the message that the party president had first put forward at the opening of the assembly.

Earlier, Najib said Abdullah had kept two promises he made before stepping down as Prime Minister.

“Firstly, he (Abdullah) said he would not criticise what I do and give me full support. Secondly, he asked me to do my level best, even better than him,” said Najib.

“The important thing is for change to happen in the mindset and attitude within Umno,” he added.

However, Abdullah added that the delegates must also spread Najib’s message when they go back to their respective divisions to push for change within the party grassroots.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Pak Lah: Party should call another EGM to choose top leaders

Sunday October 11, 2009

KEPALA BATAS: The MCA should hold fresh party elections as soon as possible, former Prime Minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said.

He said the party should consider calling for another extraordinary general meeting (EGM) to hold an election to determine the position of its top leaders.

Abdullah said he was confident that the party members would prefer this solution.

“My belief is that under the (present) circumstances, the best move is to hold a new election. But that has to be done very quickly,” he told reporters after attending a Hari Raya gathering for Kepala Batas Umno veterans at Penang Golf Resort in Bertam here yesterday.

Abdullah said the MCA central committee must make a quick decision according to the party constitution to avoid creating further problems and challenges within the party.

He noted that the EGM results could affect Barisan Nasional’s strength and influence as MCA was a big party within the coalition and the credibility of MCA’s leadership was an essential factor.

“Party members must accept wholeheartedly the decision (by the MCA central committee) and refrain from fighting among themselves again,” he said.

Amending Umno Constitution Alone Won't Strengthen Party

October 10, 2009 21:21 PM

KEPALA BATAS, Oct 10 (Bernama) -- Former prime minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said that amending the Umno constitution would not make the party stronger if there was no change in the attitude of its members.

He said the amendments proposed by the current party leadership was more on giving the party a new look to restore its image, but what was more important was the content.

The intention to amend the constitution was good because they wanted to strengthen the party structure and regulations so that Umno remained relevant and would continue to be accepted by the people and the Malays, he added.

However, he said, amending the constitution could not be regarded a solution to solve problems in the party.

"Actually, what makes us strong are party members who are sincere, trustworthy and responsible. This is important. Otherwise, we can make regulations after regulations, but it will take us no where.

"Don't make the constitutional amendments a talisman because what is important is for us to be strong in terms of spirit, morality, love for the party and the desire to continue to fight on, even if not holding high post in the party," he said at an Aidilfitri feast with Kepala Batas Umno veterans here.

Abdullah, who is former Umno president, said it was not wrong for Umno to aspire to be a strong party and to continue to helm the country's administration.

"What is important is that this intention is supported with efforts," he added.


MCA must find new leader fast

KEPALA BATAS, Oct 10 (Bernama) -- The MCA central working committee must hold a special general assembly fast to choose the new leadership following the vote of no confidence in party president Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat, former prime minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said.

He said the leadership struggle must be resolved immediately so that the problem would not affect the Barisan Nasional's (BN) position.

As a big component party of the BN, whatever happened in the MCA would impact on the strength and influence of the coalition as a whole, he said when asked to comment on the decision of the MCA central delegates to pass a vote of no confidence in Ong at its extraordinary general meeting in Kuala Lumpur Saturday.

The meeting also voted to reinstate suspended deputy president Datuk Seri Dr Chuah Soi Lek as a member but not to his former post.

Abdullah said those affected should accept the decision and stop fighting because the credibility of the leadership was at stake.

On the Malaysia Makkal Sakti Party, which was launched today, Abdullah, who was former BN chairman, said having many parties representing the Indian community was not a problem as long as they had the same objective and the objective was good and their actions appropriate.


Saturday, September 26, 2009

PM and Rosmah among scores at Pak Lah’s Raya do

Sunday September 27, 2009 - The Star

PUTRAJAYA: Scores of people thronged the Hari Raya open house hosted by Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and wife Tun Jeanne Abdullah.

Looking resplendent in green, the former prime minister and Jeanne were at hand to greet a steady stream of visitors — Cabinet ministers, former ministers, foreign diplomats and the public — some of whom arrived as early as 11am.

By midday, Dewan Seri Endon at the Puspanitapuri complex were filled with people tucking into traditional delicacies and other mouth-watering dishes and sweets.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak and wife Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor arrived at 1.15pm.

Also present were Information, Com­munications and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim, Domestic Trade, Co-operative and Consumerism Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob, Agriculture and Agro-based Minister Datuk Noh Omar, former deputy prime minister Tun Musa Hitam and former Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs minister Datuk Shahrir Samad.

Abdullah told reporters that he was pleased to host the open house as it was an opportunity to “catch up with old friends”.

“I am happy that some (ministers) came but I understand that some could not make it as they have other commitments. This is a time for merriment, for seeking forgiveness and to be together with people you know,” he said.

Also at hand to welcome guests were Abdullah’s son Datuk Kamal­uddin, daughter Nori and son-in-law Khairy Jamaluddin.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Aquaculture farm at Como Lake to come on stream next year

Wednesday September 23, 2009


KUALA TERENGGANU: The world will be able to savour succulent freshwater fish reared at an aquaculture farm in Kenyir Lake, Terengganu, by next year.

The farm at Como Lake in the fringe of Kenyir is poised to produce 9,000 tonnes of patin (silver catfish), siakap (Asian seabass) and tilapia for the international market.

It is among the high impact projects launched by former prime minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi in 2007 under the purview of Terengganu Agrotech Deve­­lop­ment Corporation (TADC).

TADC chief operations officer Rosli Harun said there were parties from Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iran, UAE, India, Singapore and Hong Kong interested in buying the fish when production reached full capacity in the next few months.

“We have doubled the production by adding 2,000 underwater cages. Each cage can generate one tonne of fish every harvest,” he said here recently.

Harvesting was only twice a year as the fish took six to eight months to mature, depending on the species, he said.

“For each harvest, we can turn in a profit of RM10mil based on the current tilapia and patin price of RM5 per kg, and RM12 per kg for siakap,” he said.

Rosli estimated that revenue of RM20mil per annum was possible with the inclusion of the export market.

He said that buyers from UAE were keen to order three containers, equivalent to 60 tonnes, on a weekly basis.

He added that TADC was working out ways to boost production in view of the high overseas demand.

The farm released four million fries into the cages early this year to increase output, he said.

Tilapia was the favourite among foreigners, followed by siakap, Rosli added.

For the local market, he said the Como Lake farm would supply 10 tonnes to the Selayang wholesale market in Selangor from early next year.

The project also helped villagers earn supplementary incomes, said Rosli.

Monday, September 21, 2009

First Raya at home joy for ex-PM Abdullah

Tuesday September 22, 2009

KEPALA BATAS: Being able to spend the first day of Syawal in his hometown was a welcome experience for former Prime Minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

Abdullah spent most of the past decade away from his hometown.

When he was in the Cabinet - the last five years as PM - he only got to return on the sixth day of Hari Raya.

“I’m happy to meet my constituents and old friends on the first day of Syawal,” he told reporters at his open house celebration at Pusat Budi Penyayang here on Sunday.

Abdullah noted however that the number of well-wishers who turned up for the event was not as huge as previously.

“Previously, many people used to travel from other states to Kepala Batas,” he said, noting that the crowds this year were mainly from Kepala Batas and neighbouring areas in Penang.

On the tradition of holding open house, Abdullah, who is Kepala Batas MP, said many foreign ambassadors were surprised to find no protocol or security barrier was put in place to prevent people from mingling with the VIPs.

“The host also does not have to extend an invitation to visitors.

“When people know of an open house, they are welcome to attend without a formal invite,” he said, adding that such events could help bring the various races closer.

“The forging of stronger ties among Malaysians from different ethnic groups will hopefully reduce any feeling of prejudice,” Abdullah said, adding that the open house culture embodies the 1Malaysia concept.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Varsity’s generous act

Sunday September 20, 2009

IN the spirit of sharing, Open University Malaysia (OUM) hosted a breaking of fast with orphans and the physically disabled to commemorate Ramadan.

More than 50 orphans from Asrama Baitul Ummah, Setapak, and 11 physically disabled learners from rehabilitation and industrial training centre, Bangi, joined the 400 over invitees comprising guests and staff of the university for the breaking of fast. 

The event was graced by former Prime Minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and his wife, OUM Chancellor Tun Jeanne Abdullah. Guests were entertained to Nasyid performances by the orphans as well as the university’s staff.

The children also received goodies including Raya clothes, cookies, chocolates and stationery from the university’s President and vice-chancellor Prof Emeritus Tan Sri Anuwar Ali.

Apart from that, OUM staff also donated cash and other valuables to Asrama Baitul Ummah. The orphanage was established in 2004 and it now houses more than 400 orphans.

Its founder, Abdul Rahman Ramani Abdullah, who was orphaned at the age of 12, said setting up the orphanage was his way of helping the underprivileged.

He said, “My only wish is to see them succeed in life.”

The event also saw the presentation of the university’s tithe contributions totalling RM950,000 to the Federal Territory’s Pusat Pungutan Zakat (tithe collection centre or PPZ).

On behalf of the university, Jeanne presented the cheque for the amount to PPZ’s general manager Mohd Rais Alias.

The event was part of the university’s many activities to foster links with the local community.

Similar breaking of fast events were held in other states, hosted by the respective learning centres.

Also present were the university’s pro chancellor Tan Sri Azman Hashim, Senator Tan Sri Dr Jins Shamsudin and Yemeni Higher Education deputy minister, Dr Ali Kassim.


Open House Strengthens Friendship - Abdullah

September 20, 2009 16:30 PM

KEPALA BATAS, Sept 20 (Bernama) -- Former Prime Minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi wants the people to continue with the open house tradition to strengthen friendship among them.

Citing the Aidilfitri open house, he said, the tradition was capable of breaking down any prejudice among Malaysians.

"Suspicions and prejudice will result in people harbouring ill-feelings towards one another but by coming together to an open house and mixing with people of various races, the negative feelings will taper off," he said.

He was speaking to reporters at an open house hosted by him and wife Tun Jeanne Abdullah at the Kompleks Budi Penyayang here on Sunday.

He said that he hoped to see Malaysians continued to celebrate the joyous occasion in the true spirit of harmony.

"Aidilfitri is not just celebrated by Muslims but also by Malaysians," he said.

Among those who attended Abdullah's open house were Yang Dipertua Negeri Tun Abdul Rahman Abbas and wife Toh Puan Majimor Shariff as well as local leaders.


Saturday, September 12, 2009

Pak Lah: Government should consider abolishing ISA

SINTOK, July 17 — The government should consider abolishing the Internal Security Act (ISA) which carries a negative perception, and replacing it with a new law which allows for preventive detention while protecting the fundamental rights of the people.  
Former Prime Minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said the ISA had given too much power and perhaps too wide a scope to the authorities to determine the threats to security.   
"As the home minister then, I had signed many orders for detention without trial under the ISA, but with the present government wanting to review the effectiveness and impact of the ISA, I feel obliged to give my sincere views on the Act.    
"But it should be stressed that Malaysia still needs a preventive detention mechanism in the interest of national security and the challenges we face today, such as terrorism across borders, which require a law which enables the government to undertake preventive measures."    
Abdullah said this in his speech at a special convocation ceremony where he was conferred an hononary Ph.D in Democracy at Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) here today. The Sultan of Kedah Tuanku Abdul Halim Mu'adzam Shah presented the scroll to Abdullah.   
"Whether we like it or not, the ISA has been stigmatised as a negative element to the agenda of strengthening democracy and renewal in the country. So, this calls for the government to be brave to discard the old and open a new chapter," he said.   
Abdullah believed that the government must be courageous to bring about such change (abolishing the ISA) as its commitment to the agenda of democratic renewal in the country.   
"I believe this is the transformation that the people are expecting, as a preventive measure should not sacrifice fundamental human rights or to be misused for a political objective.    
"Perhaps one solution is to limit the scope of preventive detention to certain threats only or to draw up a new Act specifically to prevent terrorist activities, hence reducing the chances of abuse of power for a political interest," he said.    
On the honorary Ph.D, Abdullah said he viewed it as recognition from the academia for the vision, approaches and methods as well as the democratic philosophy of his administration. — Bernama

Abdullah Supports Abolishment Of Quota System In Umno

KEPALA BATAS, Sept 12 (Bernama) -- Former Umno president Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi supports the decision by the Umno Supreme Council to abolish the quota system in the party elections.    
He believed the decision would be lauded not only by Umno members, but also supporters and fans of the party.
"It is a good decision. I support it. I believe the response from Umno members is overwhelming, as well as from party supporters and fans," he told reporters after handing over Hari Raya aid to 216 people in the Pinang Tunggal state constituency here on Saturday.
He said this in response to a statement by Umno president Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak yesterday that the supreme council had agreed to abolish the quota system in the party elections and also to increase the number of delegates to the party's general assembly.  
Abdullah also said he was confident that the decision would be welcomed by many people and hoped that it would curb money politics in the party.   
In another development, he said the Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC) should step up efforts to develop the economy of the Muslim community so that they would not be plagued by hardship and poverty. 
With the OIC celebrating its 40th anniversary on Sept 25, he said, it was time that it and also other Islamic non-governmental organisations to work together for the purpose.  
"When I headed the organisation before, I said that it had been my aim for attention be given to developing the economy. This being that poverty and backwardness form the biggest problem to the Muslim community," he added.    
Abdullah, who is former OIC chairman, said that with the current world economic situation, it was apt for OIC member countries to help one another.   
The former prime minister also said that there were many challenges facing the OIC, including issues in Palestine, Afghanistan and Iraq.   
At the function, Abdullah also received RM89,750 in business tithe from two banks and a company to be distributed to the needy.

Mindset Change Crucial In Achieving Success - Abdullah

NIBONG TEBAL, Sept 9 (Bernama) -- Former Prime Minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said mindset change is crucial in achieving a world-class success particularly in the field of education. 
He said that during his tenure at the helm of the country's administration, he had given top priority to education."A revolution in education is needed to take the country's human capital to greater heights," he said at the Universiti Sains Malaysia's (USM) commemorative convocation here on Wednesday.     
At the ceremony, USM Chancellor Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin Syed Putra Jamalullail conferred an Honorary Doctorate in Education to Abdullah. Abdullah also spelled out challenges facing institutions of higher learning in carrying out a revolution in education, namely the need to inculcate noble values, and to function as a centre for human capital development.     
"The younger generations should also continue to nurture tolerance so that they can live in harmony with other communities," he said.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Shah Alam Temple Issue Should Have Been Resolved Much Earlier - Abdullah

KEPALA BATAS, Sept 6 (Bernama) -- The Selangor government should have resolved the Shah Alam temple relocation issue much earlier to avoid racial tension, former prime minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said.

He said the state government should realise that delay in resolving the relocation of Sri Maha Mariamman temple from Section 19 ke Section 23 would lead to trouble.

"I read in newspapers that the Menteri Besar said the Selangor government will find a new location for the temple. This should have been done much earlier," he said after presenting scholarships and hampers in conjunction with Aidilfitri here on Sunday.

Abdullah said media reports on the demonstration by Section 23 residents in Shah Alam showed that racial ties were not good and that there were religious problems. Religious issues should be resolved amicably otherwise it would lead to strong reaction and cause tension among the people, he added. 

Compromise To Settle Crisis In MCA - Abdullah

KEPALA BATAS, Sept 6 (Bernama) -- Feuding groups in MCA have been urged to show responsibility by striking a compromise to settle the crisis in the party, former prime minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said.        
He said the crisis should be settled fast to prevent it from worsening as this would not only destroy MCA but also Barisan Nasional (BN).  
"It is a difficult and big problem. If they feel responsible, then they need to settle it fast," he said after presenting scholarships and gifts to mark Aidilfitri organised by Yayasan Budi Penyayang here on Sunday.     
MCA plunged into a crisis when deputy president Datuk Dr Chua Soi Lek was sacked by the disciplinary board last week over a sex DVD which had smeared the party's image.   
Some 127 students who received offers to study at institutions of higher learning received their scholarships while 350 senior citizens and the disabled (OKU) received hampers in conjunction with Aidilfitri.   

Tun Abdullah Takes Over Duties As New Ikim Chairman

KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 2 (Bernama) -- Former Prime Minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi on Wednesday officially took over duties as the chairman of the Institute of Islamic Understanding (Ikim) taking over from Tun Ahmad Sarji Abdul Hamid, the former Chief Secretary to the Government.  
The handing-over-of-duties ceremony was done at the Ikim chairman's office here Wednesday.   
Speaking to Bernama later, Abdullah said he was all ready to do important duties to elevate understanding of Islam among Muslims and non-Muslims.      
He said he will study the successes and steps of Ikim under the leadership of Ahmad Sarji.  
"Further to that there may be several new moves, which God willing, I will introduce for IKIM to implement," he said.      
Abdullah, who has a bachelor's degree in Islamic Studies from Universiti Malaya, said he will stick firm to discharging all his duties at the institute.   
"All the successes achieved must be improved upon and I stick to what I had espoused before about 'cemerlang, gemilang dan terbilang' (excellence, glory and distinction)," he said.   
Abdullah is the second chairman of Ikim after Ahmad Sarji, who held the position since the establishment of the institute 17 years ago.   
His appointment was effective Sept 1.